About Me
Web Developer
Hello!, I'm Jaydeep Hindurao Shelake I'm second year undergraduate Mechanical Engineer and aslo a FullStack WebDeveloper by passion always busy to learn new thing and improving skills day by day
Full Stack Development
Its FrontEnd or Backend or database, I like to work on a fullstack application where I can implement all these section
FrontEnd Development
Woking on UI/UX of website, I have very strong knowledge of fundamentlas like html,css and javascript along with frameworks like bootstrap and react.js and preprocessor like Sass
BackEnd Development
I work as frontend as well as backend developer, for server side I use node.js as backend language along with Rest API and framework like Express.js
Database is one of the most important thing for storing the data from frontEnd to server and there is no deadly combination like Node.js with Mongodb which NoSQL database
I have been working on webdevelopment scince 1 and half year and from these past few year I have devloped very great knwoledge of web and working on tools and languages following are languages and technologis I use for project
Winner of WebDev Hackathon,
COEP ,Pune
Winner of DevHack22
DevIncept, Jan 22
VS code
If you have any project contact me
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